Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Doll: I Love Lucy Franklin Mint

When you are the "mother" of a toy poodle named Little Ricky -- it makes perfect sense to receive I Love Lucy for Mother's Day! And, this one I just can't believe. I own the VCR series of Lucy in Hollywood (always my favorite) and this is of course when she danced with Van Johnson to impress Carolyn Applebee. The song was "I Love New York in June, How About You?" and I don't think Lucy was every more beautiful. I have posted the full doll and a close-up. The feather dress, the halter sequin is just magnificent. Thanks you Little Ricky & hubby!!!

This Lucy is my only Franklin Mint Lucy. She will join my Barbie Lucy Dolls which are below. Also my favorite episodes: Lucy & Desi awaiting Little Ricky, Lucy in Paris wearing a potato sack that designers copied but she regretfully burned hers, Lucy making a movie but it was a death scene so she wrote her name on the bottom of her shoes so her friends would know it was really her, and Lucy meets William Holden which I insist is the funniest episode ever and no matter how many times I watch belly aches from laughter!! Please email, tweet, or comment and share your Lucy doll stories.

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