Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Doll: I Love Lucy Franklin Mint

When you are the "mother" of a toy poodle named Little Ricky -- it makes perfect sense to receive I Love Lucy for Mother's Day! And, this one I just can't believe. I own the VCR series of Lucy in Hollywood (always my favorite) and this is of course when she danced with Van Johnson to impress Carolyn Applebee. The song was "I Love New York in June, How About You?" and I don't think Lucy was every more beautiful. I have posted the full doll and a close-up. The feather dress, the halter sequin is just magnificent. Thanks you Little Ricky & hubby!!!

This Lucy is my only Franklin Mint Lucy. She will join my Barbie Lucy Dolls which are below. Also my favorite episodes: Lucy & Desi awaiting Little Ricky, Lucy in Paris wearing a potato sack that designers copied but she regretfully burned hers, Lucy making a movie but it was a death scene so she wrote her name on the bottom of her shoes so her friends would know it was really her, and Lucy meets William Holden which I insist is the funniest episode ever and no matter how many times I watch belly aches from laughter!! Please email, tweet, or comment and share your Lucy doll stories.

Princess Kate Wedding Doll: Franklin Mint vs. Ashton Drake

I now have a dilemma. They are both beautiful but Ashton Drake is less money at $149 while Franklin Mint is $295. But Ashton Drake is porcelain so if she could be a nightmare while Franklin Mint is vinyl so breakage isn't a problem but it is nearly $150 more.

As you know from my earlier post, I have ordered the Kate Middleton engagement doll (Issa blue dress) and with the hubby potential news (see earlier post), that is now a must have. So the Royal Wedding Bridal doll purchase has suddenly very unclear. Now as it happens, my savings is not very plentiful as I await sale of eBay item so I wouldn't be in the market for either right now...but my hope is to see both in person and then the answer will become.

Please email, tweet or comment and let me know what you ave decided or if you know about others on the market.

Princess Diana Blue Midnight Velvet Dress and Sapphires

Isn't she just gorgous! I didn't get around to the wardrobe change until after the Royal Wedding. Here's the deal. I'm 52 and I can't change her clothes with my contacts in...I have to be wearing eyeglasses and then take them off to see up close. I have displayed her with the COA with details on the dress. I chose the blue midnight to honor the blue sapphire engagement ring that was hers and now Kates...erh...Princess Catherine. Another fun wedding and the hubby watched together beginning about 4:15ET. His plan was to pop in and out...well he popped in and never went out!! He was as fascinated with it as I was. And it hasn't worn off..he admitted that he went to our local jeweler inquiring about having a sapphire and diamond ring made ala Diana & Kate. Oh boy. Have no idea where that is going but you can be sure if I ever receive...I will post here first!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Donald Trump Bobblehead

Another from the early days of The Apprentice which is part of my pop-culture collection! Trump's hair is in full view and he is sitting at a desk with a notepad that says "You're Fired" and you can push it and The Donald's voice says it himself! Another fantastic Trump-collectible that I treasure. His full head bobbles and his left hand is pointing as if to give another Apprentice the ax! Also made by JMPB, Inc. in 2004.

The Donald Trump Doll

What great timing! From real estate guru to reality TV show star to possible Presidential candidate...and of course part of the Doll Happy doll collection! I love my Donald Trump doll. Hard plastic with a curved hand that you can raise to mimick "You're Fired" or push the button in the back and the voicebox will say it for you! He actually has multiple favorite sayings (6 to 8) from the early Apprentice shows including "I've made many mistakes in my time but you've really screwed up!" to "Stay focused" and "Remember, the buck starts here." Made by JMBP, Inc. with a date of 2004 on back. Shirt, pants and jacket have snaps and entire suit and shoes are removable. The body is jointed all over at elbows, knees, legs, arms so he can sit, stand, arms and hands move up and down, etc. The doll didn't come with a stand but I bought a wire circle one with a metal base and it works wonderfully. Doll is 12". His sweep over/back signature hair and famous mouth-pout are done well -- my pics have shadows but did best I could -- wanted to also show flexibility of shoes for positioning in your display...he can be walking, standing, tilting, etc. I noticed that doll has Trump wearing red tie and blue suit...could it be same from the "birth certificate" press conference he wore in New Hampshire? Even cooler!

I have always been a Donald Trump fan and a fan of every Mrs. Donald Trump fan as I admired Ivana, Marla and now Melania for their beauty, style and each of their entrepreneur successes from jewelry to fashion and even Marla's exercise video! And, now with Celebrity Apprentice, I have become a fan of Donald, Jr., Ivanka, and Eric (I love Tiffany and Baron too!). Okay guys...start making more Trump family dolls!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Princess Diana Franklin Mint Wardrobe Doll

She is a treasure. I have all of the clothes opened and hung up in the wardrobe box but I rarely find the time to change her. I find myself having much more fun moving my other dolls around and and than I do trying to match up the earrings and shoes and purses with my two wardrobe dolls...both Diana and Jackie. However, I have made a promise to redress her for the Royal Wedding. I mean if I'm not going to do it for that...when will I ever! Here she is today. Check back on Friday and let's see how well I did on my blog-promise!

Kate Middleton Doll

I am so thrilled with the Kate Middleton Franklin Mint Royal Engagement Doll. And, of course, with the big reveal of the wedding gown on Friday. I may wish I had ordered both but want to savor the Issa blue dress first.  The doll likeness is so remarkable that I am just beside myself with anticipation. Only 5,000 are scheduled to be produced.  No count has been listed for the wedding gown version.

I have the Princess Diana Franklin Mint porcelain "Elvis" gown and I just scored a Queen Elizabeth Peggy Nisbet so I plan to display the 3 together. My thought was to find some mirror coasters or better yet small mini mirror cubes to replace boxes they are displayed on now (see pics) to give a majestic presentation in my doll room.  Any ideas you doll collectors have on that -- please contact me.